Have a look at your super fund and check out which investment option you're in: Balanced, Index, Growth, Conservative, etc.
Did you know that 60% of the $450 billion held by corporate, industry and public sector funds is in the default option fund? DUH!!! Unbelievable. Come on Australia! Get involved with your money. Make the most of what you have.

When all about you are losing their head, if you can keep yours... you will be the tallest person in the room.

Think really carefully before buying a house now. With house prices flat or falling for the next 12 months consider investing that deposit elsewhere and be in a better position to buy next year.

Consider a margin loan to boost the amount you have invested-Attach a regular savings plan and take advantage of dips in the market by buying in regularly.

Put a tick next to all the categories on the Tax Deductions page that apply to you, then start taking action today to make sure you can claim as many deductions as possible. Remember, the more deductions you have and the less tax you pay means you've got more of your money working for you.

Contact your super fund provider and find out exactly what they are doing with your money or ask us to review the fund for you.

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